Die Welt um mich herum in Fotos und Texten

English please?

As you may have noticed I’m no native English speaker. Like most Germans I learned it at school and was quite good at it. 
Once we had a teacher who told us to listen to BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service). Even if we don’t not understand all we would get a feeling for the language, the way it is spoken and how it sounds. 

As the BFBS played all the cool Rock music that was a no big task for me. And I learned about the conflict in Northern Ireland and listened to The Wind In The Willows. 

After school I didn’t use much English for several years. 

And then, in the early 1980’s, the first computers for home users were sold: computer magazines, manuals, software… all written in English. And I noticed I was still able to understand the language well and even learn more.

And about 10 years later the Internet happened: newsgroups, forums and websites opened up a huge new world where English was the main language.

So, yes, I know enough English to survive in any English speaking country and could even make a living there. 

But translating my blog posts to English is a much different task! I use a weird German, mixing normal language with slang and bits of TV shows or movies. I created this style in the last years with the unintentionally help of my crazy co-workers. 

I did a rough translation of a current post (About sharks and vending machines) with the help of Bing translator and I’m not sure if the spirit of the original survived. Maybe someone with better skills can give me a feedback. 

From time to time I will translate a post and you will find them filed under „Kategorie“ and „English“ when you scroll down in the left column. 

Hope you like it and maybe it improves my English writing (and thinking of blog posts). 😄

1 Kommentar

  1. Picht

    Ich sag, das passt.

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